Tuesday, December 03, 2013

Harper's Birth 9/13/13

     My mom arrived on Wednesday, to await the arrival of our sweet baby with us.  It was a matter of time.  I had undergone 5 acupuncture treatments so far.  All day Thursday I was having minor contractions at school.  This wasn't unusual, I was having them all week. Thursday night after school, I joined my mom in shopping at Herberger's, great deals were going on, she's an addict. We were there for about an hour when I realized my contractions are getting closer together, and slightly stronger.  We headed home and JJ starts to time them, which is actually pretty difficult in the early stages of labor.  I couldn't tell exactly when one was finishing, so our timing efforts were probably inaccurate.  My husband did the best he could to use his phone to record them.  I was stirring at this point, waiting for a true sign that this maybe the time to head to the hospital.  I started cleaning house, making beds, tidying up.  Contractions were getting closer, but I did not want to be the pregnant lady to be sent home from the hospital so I wanted to be absolutely sure I was in prelabor.  Josh was the one who made the executive decision to finally head to the hospital.
     At 9:30, Josh, my mom and I checked into the hospital.  We were sent to a delivery room where I was checked, I was dilated 2cm and 100% effaced.

 The nurse explained that if nothing happens within the hour I will be sent home, but if dilation continues I will stay.  The hour passed and I had dilated another cm!  The contractions were coming on quicker and harder, to the point I was in the fetal position screaming.  It felt as though seven bullets were passing through my abdomen for 9 seconds straight.  At that point, I had decided that an epidural was necessary.  An hour later the anesthesiologist arrived to inject the epidural.  It took her three times to get it right!  I was so frustrated! She had said, "this is the last contraction you will feel."  I felt THREE more after she said that...  they were so painful!  Imagine the feeling of getting shot with bullets in your abdomen for a minute long duration and having to hold completely still while a doctor intricately enters a large needle inches from your spine! YIKES
     Once the epidural kicked in it was smooth sailing.  Sarah and Lorie arrived to experience the magic.  I had dilated a steady cm per hour.  We were waiting so patiently for my water to break, until around 7am.  The nurse broke it for me.  Then things started rolling.  Dr. Fish was called in and arrived around 8:00.  After 26 minutes of pushing, Harper made her arrival, with the help of a vacuum.  My life changed the moment that tiny baby was placed on my belly.  I was partly in shock.  I had no idea how to hold her, I froze with her in my arms.

Shortly after, the pediatrician, Dr. Leonard, did the standard testing on Harper.  She weighed 7 lbs 13 oz and was 20.5 inches.  She had beautiful blue eyes and blonde hair.  The placenta was delivered about 20 minutes after birth.
     Dr. Leonard observed her quick breathing and decided it was necessary to take X-rays.  They found nothing wrong with her lungs, however they did find her broken clavicle.  After all the testing, the nurse gave Harper to Josh.  He shared her with the family who was present.  By this time we had several more visitors.  Chris, Sage, Mel, My mom, Lorie, Sarah were all in the room, with both Drs and a nurse or two! It was a crowded room at this point.  After some of the people got to hold her, we decided to kick everyone out so that I could learn to nurse.  Harper latched on like a champ!  She must have been hungry!  Josh and I hung out in the delivery for two hours after birth.  The epidural had to wear off before I could use my legs.

Josh's Perspective. (A little bit scattered, but when I interviewed him this is what he had to say.)
I was thinking what's going to happen next?
I remember watching in amazement watching Bailey push.
How much pain bailey had to go through.
I was glad to have family there for support and encouragement.
I was glad bailey took the Epidural.
The epidural made time go by faster.
It was funny how Bailey's mind changed from natural birth to drugs so quickly.
I was frustrated with the nurses for not coming in sooner, bailey screaming
I didn't cry after the birth, like all the women in the room did.
I was thinking, should I watch her come out or not?
I wondered when's the doctor coming?
I remember being really tired, but excited.
It was my first all-nighter in years
Bailey was super loopy after first dose of drugs, before epidural.

     Two hours postpartum, I was able to get up and walk to the recovery room.  By this time everyone had gone and Josh moved our stuff to the new room.  Since Harper was born in the early morning, this meant we were just starting a new day, after being up all night.  We had visitors in and out all day.  The first visitors were Amy Palser and Charla Brant.  They brought gifts and admired Harper.  I do not remember much of the first day of Harper's life.  I was extremely exhausted and had a terrible spinal headache from the epidural.  My headache lasted all day and finally at 10:00pm we asked the nurse to bring in the anesthesiologist to see about getting a blood patch.  The blood patch was administered and I was required to lay flat for two hours, which was FINE with me.  I fell asleep. We allowed the nurses to care for Harper while we rested.  They brought Harper in to feed every three hours throughout the night.  My headache was gone by morning.

    The next day, Saturday, was a Husker game game. Harper wore a husker dress that Josh had bought for her that day.  The first visitors that day were Amanda, Molly and Gracie.  Harper will be joining Grace at day care when I return to work.  She gave us the cutest little booty dance!:)

After the Husker game all immediate family joined us at the hospital for pizza.  The Poppe's, Johnson's mo, Sage, Mel, Chris and Lorie.  Once again, Harper went to the nursery that night, so Josh and I could get some rest.  The nurses brought her in every three hours to nurse.

Sage came Sunday morning to bring a few items from home.  I need some jeans, because the weather had gotten cold during our three day stay and I only brought shorts.  We checked out of the hospital at noon and went home with the baby.  Sage, Mel and my mom greeted us when we got home.  Sage was very excited to see Harper.  The first day Harper was born, Sage wasn't allowed to hold her, as she was sick that morning.  JJ and I were so glad to be home, but we were scared sh*tless.  How could the hospital send us home with this tiny creature we knew nothing about!?!?  What were we supposed to do with a baby?  :)

Our first visitors when we got home were the Poppe's and Lorie.  Sarah took two day old pictures of Harper in her room.
First night at home was hard.. lots of crying.  Luckily Grandma Teri was with us.  She helped us out A LOT!  She was up late with us helping to calm Harper.  My mom helped with laundry, cleaning house, taking care of Wrigley, and cooking.

The day after we got home, so when Harper was three days old, the nurse made a home visit.
Harper has lost more than 10% of her birth weight, (weighng in at 6.14) so we had to add supplemental formula after feedings, my milk hadn't come in yet.  Lots of visiting with lactation consulates and weigh ins at the hospital since then.  Once my milk came in, it was smooth sailing.  Harper did have to use a shield to nurse with, but other than that she was a champ.

Tuesday Josh left for lincoln to swear in to the bar association.  We wish we could have gone with him, but since Harper had lost so much weight, we weren't comfortable bringing her on a trip yet.

The rest of week was kind of a blur, getting know know and understand Harper's needs. Was she hungry? need changed? gassy?  We had to learn her cries.  Took about two weeks to get more comfortable.
My mom left Wednesday morning.  I was an emotional wreck the rest of the day.  I literally cried all day long because she left.  Holy hormones!  She left to visit my sister, Jamie, for a less important matter than her new grandchild.
Thursday was Harper's first doctor appointment with Dr. Leonard.  He used the word "perfect" to describe Harper, Dr. Leonard wanted another weight by Friday to see growth. So we visited the hospital to get her weighed.

She did a lot of sleeping, and sleeping, and sleeping in her first week.