Tuesday, June 25, 2013

3rd Trimester!

We have reached the third trimester on the week of my 25th birthday!  Last week, on Monday we entered the 3rd trimester and Wednesday we celebrated my birthday.  It was a busy week!  My days usually consist of teaching summer school in the morning, then serving at Applebee's in the evening.  On Monday, I celebrated reaching the 3rd trimester by cycling 5 miles, I would have love to fit in a 2 mile run, but I had to work that evening.

On my birthday, we took our summer school kids on a field trip and I led an activity of collecting aquatic life from the creek.  The students caught lots of spiders and snails!  It was beautiful weather and it was a nice hike to the creek.  The kids behaved well and the local newspaper interviewed me.  My interview was printed the next day.  After summer school, I went home and JJ took me to get ice cream in a waffle cone.  It was delicious.  We returned home and I opened the gift from my husband.  It came in a HUGE box, so I was very curious.  It turned out to be a massive body pillow!  A pregnant woman's dream come true!  It was like heaven.  I was refusing to take a nap on my birthday, even though I had to work at Applebee's until 1:00am the night before. I lied down with the pillow and was out within 15 minutes of opening the present.  I ended up napping for an hour and a half!  Short coma!  Once I woke up, I showered and curled my hair for dinner.  JJ's parents took us out to Texas Roadhouse.  We ordered so many appetizers that I ate two bites of my entree and was full, needless to say dessert was not even needed because we were so full.:)  I had a very ambitious list of things I wanted to do on my birthday like playing tennis, fishing, stand up paddle boarding and camping.  There just were not enough hours in the day.  I wanted to do some fun and pregnant safe activities.  JJ and I love to try new things.  I would have loved to go skydiving or even eat sushi.  But pregnancy restricts options.:)

Late night birthday dessert once all our dinner settled.

JJ has been so sweet, lots of foot rubs after work and saying sweet things.  I hope he knows that it felt really good to hear him say "You're dominating pregnancy" and "you haven't even played the pregnancy card much."  My dad came to visit over the weekend.  He saw our new home for the first time. He brought TONS of meat, my favorite cake from a hometown bakery, a wooden chest and Boji. She has gotten so big already.  She is about the size of Boyd when he was a year old!  She's very tall and slender.  He's still having trouble with the potty training and training in general, but hopefully he picked up a few things from us while he was visiting.  Wrigley is close to being fully potty trained.  He can sit, lay down and shake.  We are still working on fetching with him.  He is such a lazy dog, he fetches his fribee on his own time.:)
Bailey's Irish Creme Cake!

While dad was here we enjoyed lunch at Chris and Lorie's house, then took the dogs to the dog park.  We hadn't been to the dog park in town yet, but we discovered it's HUGE.  The dogs seemed to have fun playing, JJ definitely wore them out simply walking the perimeter on the park.  We grilled out at our house and invited Chris and Lorie over for steaks.  We cooked up some of the meat my pops brought.  After dinner, we enjoyed the cake my dad brought.  It's called a Bailey's (Clearly it was made for me) Irish Creme cake, made at Carroll's Bakery in Spencer, IA AND Josh took my dd for a drive on the triumph to tour Hastings.  If the car had more than two seats I would have went, but no such luck in the tiny car.:)  The next morning before my dad headed home, we took him out to breakfast at this great local breakfast dive in Hastings.  My dad enjoyed Hastings and said it was a great town.  I hope he makes it out again before the babe arrives.

Friday, June 14, 2013

27 Weeks and Still Going Strong

  I visited my pops for a few days and enjoyed a little bit of vacation time before I start working at Applebee's for the summer.  It was great to be back "home."  He and Boji are doing well.  I was able to go for a nice run around Milford one day.  I cleaned my dad's house as a birthday present for him.  He was so pleased.  I brought my niece with me to visit.  She was a hoot.  She is six going on 18 and her name is Mel. She is very socially advanced for her age.  
Mel and Wrigley Boji Bound!
Mel and Wrigley 5 minutes later

Other pictures from the weekend.
Boji and Wrigley
Pops playing fetch with Boji in the front yard.
Puppy playtime!
Our favorite family dessert, hot fudge pudding cake!  To die for!
Grandpa and Mel on the tractor.
27 weeks and feeling good!

Grandpa's first gift for Harper!
Oh, you know we ate well at Dad's house!:)

So there's an update!  Now on to a summer of serving at Applebee's and teaching summer school.  Oh, and baby showers, of course!:)