Tuesday, July 09, 2013

31 Weeks

HAll this week I am prepping my house for my first baby shower!  This is also the first gathering that is hosted at our new house.  I'm so excited!

Yesterday I took an 11 mile bike ride before work.  It felt great and it's a lot easier for me than running at this time.  I still run, but it's starting to get more uncomfortable.

At this weeks doctors appointment I measured perfectly!  31 cm at 31 weeks! The doctor says its likely I won't be having a ten pound baby, thank The Lord!  

The baby shower went so well! Lots of great friends attended.

1 comment:

  1. I just absolutely love this dress! It's a good thing there is a great reward at the end of this because I'm going to miss you being pregnant ;) can't wait for your shower in Omaha!
