Wednesday, February 05, 2014

Meet Harper!

Saturday 9/21
Trisha and Brendan visit and stay the night!  They loved meeting Harper and we loved having them!
Lauren, Kendra and Mallory visited for the day.  We all played yard games, grilled burgers, drank wine!:)  It was also the first time my friends got to see our new house.

Harper's first visit to Omaha.  10 day old photos with Sarah Poppe.  Sarah is my sister-in-law.  She is a(n) photographer, amazing mom and baby whisperer.  She helped me out a lot getting used to the whole.. ya know.. taking care of a baby thing.:)

Following weekend 9/28
My dad came to visit!  He never travels!  Left tuesday

Sam, Ross, Kathy, Roger and Cindy came to visit
dinner at Lories, soup

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