Wednesday, February 06, 2013


WOW! SO here's how we found out:

I was teaching one day and felt sick all day long, then the next day the same thing happened. I was worried I had caught the flu virus, but I did not have any other symptoms.  I rarely get sick, so I knew something was wrong.  I considered when my last cycle was, but for the life of me I could not remember.  I discussed this with my husband and he could not remember either.  We had both decided it would be a good idea to take a test the next time I see him.  My husband is at school during the school year and I am teaching, we are and hour and twenty minutes apart, so we had to wait until the weekend.  I ran to Wally World with my friend Molly to get this stuff purchased.  It was so hard not to just go home right then and take the test, just to find out.  Molly was begging me to, but I insisted I wanted to do it with Josh.  That Friday I pack up and head to Lincoln.  When I got to my husband's house, I took the test.  We both looked at the results the same time. PREGNANT.  We could not believe it, so we decided to take another test. PREGNANT!  The first thing my husband said was pretty inappropriate to share, but I think I will anyway.  He said, "Well, if it is a girl we can always give it away."HAHAHA That man cracks me up!  He did not know how to respond.  I could tell all the stressful thoughts going through his head.  He wasn't ready for this and I wasn't ready for this, but we are adults and are flexible to any situation.

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