Tuesday, April 30, 2013

Little Harper Lee

We had our 21 week ultra sound yesterday. It was so exciting to see our little peanut. Our ultrasound technician confirmed that we have a little girl in my belly. I have gained ten pounds so far! I'm up to a solid 116 lbs.. Most I have weighted in my life! My target weight is 131, so I only have room for 15 more pounds.. I can't believe I have ten extra pounds of weight on me and the babe is only 15 ounces.
The baby is kicking like crazy. I drank a little bit of pop before the ultrasound to make sure she would be up and moving.:). JJ was able to attend this ultrasound. He was a rockstar. I felt dizzy and got a little over heated during the ultrasound so we had to take two breaks.. He was brushing his hand on my arm and moving the hair off my face.:). Very sweet.
We have decided to share the name we have chosen, because we would be sad if someone we know take the name. Our little girl will be named Harper Lee Johnson. We didn't know this before, but JJ's great grandmother's middle name was also Lee. We love the tie the name has to literature. Harper Lee wrote, " To Kill a Mockingbird." The author's first name actually isn't Harper, her full name is Nelle Harper Lee. I could understand why she wouldn't want to out Nelle Lee on all her books!:)

We are excited to welcome Harper Lee into our family in September.


  1. disgusted by the 116 lb remark...but I do love the name! Lee is my sister's middle name and was my grandmother's middle name too
